Color Lab is proud to introduce our alumni and alumnae, who have been part of our community since 2012. Thanks to their contributions, the lab has grown tremendously. These remarkable individuals are now active as design practitioners, researchers, and educators in South Korea and around the world.

Boram Kim, Ph.D. [김보람] (2024)
Ph.D. Dissertation The Singularity of Color: Brown Hair and Red Lips for Communication in Color Cosmetics [특이성을 갖는 색채 연구: 색조 화장품 커뮤니케이션을 위한 모발의 갈색과 입술의 빨강을 중심으로]

Sumin Park [박수민] (2024)
Data Scientist of Hana Financial Group, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis A Machine Learning Approach to Curate the Artwork on a Large Display at Home [기계학습을 이용한 거실공간 대형 디스플레이용 작품 추천]

Minjung Park [박민정] (2023)
Ph.D. Candidate of Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh-USA
Master’s Thesis Designing Facial Expression Guideline for Avatar-Mediated Communication

Taesu Kim, Ph.D. [김태수] (2022)
Professor of Ansan University, Ansan-Korea
Ph.D. Dissertation Methods and Practices of Affective Ambient Light Design in Cars [자동차 실내 감성조명 디자인 방법과 실제]

Gyunpyo Lee [이건표] (2022)
DX Scientist of LG Electronics, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis Deep-learning Driven Exploration of Automotive Exterior Design Attributes [딥러닝 기반 자동차 외장 디자인 요소 탐색]

Hyeonju Park [박현주] (2022)
UX Designer of NAVER, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis Design evaluation guideline for light interfaces of home appliances [가전제품 라이트 인터페이스 디자인 품질 평가 가이드라인]

Yuchun Yan, Ph.D. [얀유천] (2021)
Project Manager of LINE Plus Corporation, Seoul-Korea
Ph.D. Dissertation Digital Transformation for Color Cosmetics: from Products to Services [색조 화장품의 디지털 전환: 제품부터 서비스까지]
Master’s Thesis Skin Balancing: Chromatic Adjustment of Multi-Illuminant Portraits on One Scene using Facial Color to Reproduce Standard Image Quality (2018)

Qinyue Chen [킨웨 첸] (2021)
UX Designer of BiteDance, Shanghai-China
Master’s Thesis Bubble Coloring to Visualize Speech Emotion in Voice Messaging [음성 메시지의 감성 시각화를 위한 말풍선 색채 적용]

Aigerim Shunayeva [아이게림 슈나예바] (2021)
Lecturer of Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Nur Sultan-Kazakhstan
Master’s Thesis Product Style Assessment in Various Interiors Using Virtual Reality [VR을 이용한 다양한 인테리어 환경에서의 제품 스타일 평가]

Kyeong-Ah Jeong, Ph.D. [정경아] (2020)
Design Manager of Samsung Electronics, Seoul-Korea
Ph.D. Dissertation A Prototyping Tool in Designing Light of Product [제품의 빛을 디자인하기 위한 도구 개발 및 활용]
Master’s Thesis Making video playback and its emotional effect [영상을 재생하는 방식에 따른 감성적 효과] (2016)

Juhee Kim [김주희] (2020)
Design Manager of Coupang, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis Prediction of the Emotions and Preference for Movie Poster Designs based on Graphical Features: A Machine Learning-driven Approach [영화 포스터 디자인에 대한 감정 및 선호도 예측: 그래픽 요소 기반 머신러닝 활용을 중심으로]

Enjin Kim, Ph.D. [김은진] (2018)
Design Manager of NAVER, Seoul-Korea
Ph.D. Dissertation Image-Color Harmony: Key Color Generation and Image Recoloring [이미지색채 조화를 위한 색채 선정과 이미지 보정]

Minsun Hong [홍민선] (2018)
Senior Designer of LG Electronics, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis Affective image quality for sports content [스포츠 감성 화질]

Kyungah Choi, Ph.D. [최경아] (2017)
Professor of Hanyang University, Seoul-Korea
Ph.D. Dissertation Dynamic Lighting for a Better Learning Environment [학습 환경을 위한 동적 조명 연구]
Master’s Thesis User preferred white point adjustment for displays under varying illumination chromaticities [조명 색에 따른 사용자 선호 기반 디스플레이 백색점 가변] (2014)

Hyunjoo Bae [배현주] (2017)
UX Designer of NAVER, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis Material Reconfiguration for Visual Exploration of Product Design Alternatives [재질 재배치에 기반한 제품 디자인 대안의 시각적 탐색]

Nooree Na, Ph.D. [나누리] (2016)
Principal Designer of Samsung Electronics, Seoul-Korea
Ph.D. Dissertation Optimal Luminance and Chromaticity for Viewing Mobile Displays under Low Illuminance [저조도 환경에 적합한 디스플레이 휘도 및 색도]
Master’s Thesis Investigation of the emotional characteristics of white for product color design application [제품 색채 디자인을 위한 백색의 감성 이미지] (2013)

Sungwook Ju [주성욱] (2016)
UX Designer of NAVER, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis The influence of atypical color on aesthetics of product design [이례적인 색채가 제품 디자인의 심미성에 미치는 영향]

Jeongmin Lee [이정민] (2014)
Senior User Researcher of Tencent Games, London-UK
Master’s Thesis Development of User-Centered Lighting Control Interface for Residential Space

Eunsol Lee [이은솔] (2012)
Principal UX Designer of SDS, Seoul-Korea
Master’s Thesis The effect of hue of lighting on affective and cognitive response – focused on relaxation and attention [조명 색상의 사용자 감성 및 인지에 대한 효과 연구 – 휴식 및 집중 상황을 중심으로]

Mokryun Baik [백목련] (2012)
Principal UX Designer of Amazon, Seattle-USA
Master’s Thesis Development of Design Guidelines
for Organic Food Labeling of Small Brands