Color Lab presented four recent studies at the 2024 KSDS Fall International Conference (2024 국제디자인학술대회), held at the KAIST campus in Daejeon. Three of these papers, authored by Byeonjin (김병진), Stella (스텔라 욜란다), and Heesu (김희수), highlighted their ongoing research progress. The fourth brought special recognition: Sunwoo (정선우) received a ‘Merit Award (장려상)’ in a session reserved exclusively for undergraduate participants. Under the guidance of Prof. Suk during the summer vacation, Sunwoo conducted an individual research project exploring large datasets of Spotify music playlists. We warmly congratulate him on this remarkable achievement! The four papers are as follows:
- Byeongjin Kim 김병진: Exploring the Effect by Home Appliance Lighting 가전제품의 조명 요소가 전달하는 효과에 대한 탐색
- Stella Yolanda 스텔라 욜란다: Bringing the In-Store Experience Online: Focusing on Beauty Products
- Heesu Kim 김희수: Lighting Design Guidelines for Home Appliances: Aesthetic Harmony of CMF and Lighting Colors CMF와 조명 색상의 심미적 조화를 기반으로 한 가전제품 조명 디자인 가이드라인
- Sunwoo Jeong 정선우: Multidimensional Scaling and Visualization of Musical Features 음악적 특징의 다차원 척도화 및 시각화