Master’s Exam Success!

Master’s Exam Success!

We are delighted to announce that Stella (스텔라) and Giyun (기윤) have successfully passed their Master’s exams! Their innovative research projects address two critical challenges—one in online beauty reviews, and the other in digital color display under dark mode.

Stella’s (스텔라 욜란다) thesis introduces a novel method to summarize customer review content in the ever-growing beauty e-commerce sector. By enabling users to evaluate and update posted reviews, Stella’s algorithm integrates these dynamic features to generate concise yet comprehensive summaries.

Meanwhile, Giyun’s (이기윤)work focuses on a color adjustment model for dark-mode display interfaces. She highlights the importance of preserving brand identity across different interface polarities—positive (light) and negative (dark). Through extensive visual assessments, Giyun derived a model that maintains both color characteristics of the brands and visual comfort in dark mode.

We at Color Lab are truly proud of Stella and Giyun for developing these groundbreaking computational models that tackle everyday challenges in novel ways. Congratulations to both on their well-deserved success!



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