• Material reconfiguration by Hyunjoo

    Hyunjoo Bae, a master candidate of Color lab, presented her recent work entitled, “The value and application of material reconfiguration of product design.” at KSDS (Korea Society of Design Science) 2016 international conference in Busan, Korea. The study provides evidence that material reconfiguration has a sufficiently impactful influence on on novelty, aesthetic preference, and overall preference…

  • How a key color creates an attractive promotional video, investigated by EunJin

    EunJin Kim, a Ph.D. candidate of Color lab, has presented her recent work entitled, “Key Color Generation for Affective Multimedia Production: An Initial Method and Its Application” at 2016 ACM Multimedia Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In the paper, the insights from designers’ color selection process were discussed and utilized to develop a key color generation…

  • Jockey Time, an onlline video editing service by Kyeong Ah

    Kyeong Ah Jeong, a Ph.D. candidate of Color Lab presented a poster about her master study entitled, “Jockey Time: Making Video Playback to Enhance Emotional Effect” at the ACM Multimedia Conference for 2016 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This study devised a web-based online video playback editing service that enhancing the emotional effect of one’s video.…

  • Assessment Tool Development for playback-edited video by Kyeong Ah

    Kyeong Ah Jeong, a Ph.D. candidate of Color Lab published an article entitled, “Affective Effect of Video Playback Style and its Assessment Tool Development [영상의 재생 스타일에 따른 감성적 효과와 감성 평가 도구의 개발]” in the Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion & Sensibility. This study investigated how video playback styles affect viewers’ emotional…

  • Enlarged words make text messages look clearer but less premium, by Do-hyeong and EunJin.

    Do-hyeong Kim, Suhong Ju and EunJin Kim presented their work entitled, “The effects of enlarged words in text messages: Look clearer, but less premium: at the 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The study explored the emotional characteristics of enlarged words in text messages. The results showed that enlarging the…

  • Sung-Wook has finished his master thesis

    Sungwook submitted his master thesis entitled, “The Influence of Atypical Color on Aesthetics of Product Design” in that he identified the value and impact of unusual color on consumers’ impression. He has investigate the aesthetic appeal or cognitive association when color of an object or graphical elements, such as graphic user interface(GUI) is atypical. For…

  • Yo! Kinetic typography in single-button messengers by Minhwan and Kyungah

    Minhwan Kim and Kyungah Choi presented their work entitled, “Yo!: Enriching Emotional Quality of Single-Button Messengers through Kinetic Typography” at the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2016) in Brisbane, Australia. The study explored the influence of adding kinetic typography onto the single-button messenger to enrich the communicational aspects by conducting a series…

  • Kyungah’s study in press release worldwide!

    The recent research in Color Lab was reported in the press. The study entitled “Dynamic lighting system for the learning environment: performance of elementary student” published in the journal Optics Express, was introduced with the interviews with Prof. Hyeon-Jeong Suk and Kyungah Choi. In the study, we found that lighting can be optimized for many…

  • Dynamic lighting system for the learning environment by Kyungah

    Kyungah Choi, a Ph.D. candidate at Color Lab recently published an article entitled “Dynamic lighting system for the learning environment: performance of elementary student” in the journal Optics Express, a top-ranked journal in the optics field. This study investigated the effects of lighting color temperatures on elementary students’ performance, namely physiological, cognitive, and behavioral aspects.…

  • Best poster presentation award to Taesoo at KOSES Spring conference

    Taesoo Kim, a junior student of industrial design at KAIST, presented a poster about his recent individual research project(advisor : Prof.Hyeon-Jeong Suk) entitled, “Effects on how turbidity of drinks influence recognizing sense of taste by visual [탁도가 음료의 미각적 특징을 시각적으로 인지하는데 미치는 영향]” on the 2016 Spring Conference of Korea Society for Emotion and…

  • Optimal display color for nighttime smartphone users by Nooree

    Dr.Na, a Color Lab alumna since 2016, published an article entitled “Optimal display color for nighttime smartphone users” in Color Research and Application (Vol42(1). 60-67). This study investigated the optimal display color for nighttime smartphone users that would support physiological comfort and psychological satisfaction. The proposed display color supports physiological comfort by reducing the blue light,…

  • Dr.Na, the first Ph.D. from Color Lab!

    Congratulations! Nooree Na received her Ph.D. degree. She earned her doctorate after three years of hard work. During her Ph.D. course, she has published at least 6 articles in SCI(E) journals and 12 full papers at internationally renowned counferences. Her achievements are indeed record-breaking in Department of Industrial Design, KAIST. As of March 2016, she starts her first…