Congrats! Kyeongah, a Master of Science now!
Kyeong Ah Jeong is now a master of science! She submitted the thesis, entitled “Making Video Playback and its Emotional Effect”, and an online-based service tool, “JockeyTime” is now launched at jockeytime.kaist.ac.kr. As of March 2016, she continues her research on the affective effect of playback design of moving images as a Ph.D. candidate. Master thesis…
Eunjin presented her color generation algorithm at IPIU 2016
EunJin Kim, a Ph.D. candidate of Color lab, presented her recent work entitled, “Key Color Generation Algorithm to Enhance the Aesthetic and Affective Quality of Image-Color Combinations” at IPIU 2016 Workshop in Jeju, Korea. In the paper, she discussed the insights from designers’ color selection process to develop a key color generation algorithm. The algorithm creates a…
The optimal radius of curvature for my large television
Nooree Na, a Ph.D. candidate of Color Lab published an article entitled, “Preference survey of curvature of large-size displays,” in the Journal of the Society for Information Display. The study investigated the most preferred radius of curvature for large-size curved displays that supports consumer satisfaction in terms of aesthetic appeal and visual comfort. The experimental…
An award winning work of Nooree about the optimal RGB ratios of display
Nooree Na, a Ph.D. student of Color lab presented a poster about her recent study entitled, “Optimal RGB ratio for Nighttime Smartphone Users” on International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility 2015 held in Jeju, Korea. This study suggests the optimal RGB ratios for a display toward a more comfortable use of smartphones particularly under low illuminance,…
Do you want to make yourself more in style?
Chorong Kim, Changmin Kim and Nooree Na presented their work entitled, “Self camera shot position to make myself more in style” on the IASDR 2015 in Brisbane, Australia. The study investigated the impact of selfie shot position on various emotional impressions, and suggested the specific shot position which makes a selfie look more attractive. The…
Adaptive luminance difference for comfortable reading on smartphones studied by Nooree and Kyungah
Nooree Na and Kyungah Choi, the Ph.D. candidates of Color Lab published an article entitled, “Adaptive luminance difference between text and background for comfortable reading on a smartphone,” in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. The study proposes a model of adaptive luminance difference between text and background for comfortable reading on a smartphone display,…
How to generate aesthetic and affective theme colors, investigated by EunJin
EunJin, a Ph.D. candidate of Color lab presented her recent study entitled, “Hue extraction and Tone match: Generating a Theme Color to Enhance the Emotional Quality of an Image” on ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 in Los Angeles, CA. The study proposed a computational method to generate a theme color from an image in order to deliver…
Context-based presets for lighting setup by Kyungah and Jeongmin
Kyungah Choi and Jeongmin Lee published an article entitled as, “Context-based presets for lighting setup in residential space” in Applied Ergonomics (Vol52. 222-231). This study identified context-based lighting setup presets for residential space, which can be applied as the basis for designing a user-centered LED illumination control interface. The multilateral relationships between household activities, affects,…
Crowd-Sourced Color Schemes through Network Analysis by Eunjin
EunJin Kim, a Ph.D. candidate of color lab published a paper entitled “Understanding Crowd-Sourced Color Schemes through Network Analysis[네트워크 분석을 통한 크라우드소싱 배색 데이터 연구]” in Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies. This study investigated crowd-sourced color data from Adobe Color CC® through a network analysis, and identified popular or universal colors that can…
Color saliency study by Kyungah
Kyungah Choi, a Ph.D. candidate of CED Lab published her recent work entitled as, “Optimal Employment of Color Attributes to Achieve Saliency in Icon Matrix Designs” in Color Research & Application(Vol40(5). 429-436). This study tries to determine which colors are the most eye-catching in displays that employ icon matrices and thereby provide empirical grounds for…
Adaptive display luminance for nighttime smartphone user by Nooree
Nooree Na, a Ph.D. candidate of Color Lab published an article entitled, “Adaptive display luminance for viewing smartphones under low illuminance,” in Optical Express, which is ranked 1st out of 86 journals in optics category. The study developed a model of adaptive display in that display luminance changes gradually with the passage of watching time…
Cognitive styles of designer studied by EunJin
EunJin Kim, a Ph.D. candidate of color lab published an article entitled “Cognitive styles in design problem solving: Insights from network-based cognitive maps” in Design Studies. This study was originally conducted during her master period at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST), and Professor KwanMyung Kim was her supervisor as well as a co-author of…