• When a facebook icon appears in red? By S.W.Ju & K.Jeong

    Sung-Wook Ju and Kyeongah Jeong, two master candidates of CED Lab made a poster presentation entitled as “Changing the Color Attributes of Icons to Inform of the Application Status” on the IEEE- International Symposium of Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2014), held in Jeju. This study explored what relationship was formed between change in attribute of icon’s color…

  • Won the prize

    Prof.Suk’s book, “Theories and Applications of Light [빛의 공학]”,  is selected as one of the National Academy of Science’s Distinguished Scholarly Books[대한민국 학술원 2014 우수학술도서] for 2014. Congratulations! Professor Chulhee Choi of Department of Brain & Bio Engineering and Professor Yongkeun Park of Department of Physics are the co-authors. In this book, authors attempted to…

  • An invited talk at WLED-5 by Prof.Suk

    Professor Suk delivered a talk at the WLED-5 conference held in Jeju. She mentioned abou the affective quality of the lighting especially since the LED became available and adequate for the main lighting. In her presentation, some case studies of CED Lab were presented and they were the LED lighting for food to enable an…

  • A new book by Prof.Suk

    Professor Suk published a book, “Koreans’ Colors, Tastes, & Styles (한국인의 색, 맛, 멋)”, and Dr.Yoon-Sook Kim, a senior scientist at Korea Food Research Institute participated as the second author. The book mainly documents the output of the research project, “A proposal of creative food color based on the affective effect”, placed by Korea Research…

  • Congrats! Jeongmin is a master of science!

    Jeongmin Lee is now a master of science. Her thesis work is entitled “PicLight: Development of User-Centered Lighting Control Interface for Residential Space” and it is one of most interesting works this year as it successfully integrated the theoretical research and creative design development. It was a lot of work but worth such vast amount…

  • Congrats! Kyungah is a master of science!

    Kyungah Choi is now a master of science. Her thesis is entitled “User Preferred White Point Adjustment for Displays under Varying Illumination Chromaticities”. A part of her thesis has already been accepted for a publication on an SCI journal, Optical Engineering. It is an impressive achievement during the short period of master program. Congratulations!

  • Finding optimal CCT for smartphone display by K.Choi

    Kyungah Choi, a Ph.D. candidate of CED Lab made a presentation entitled, “Optimal color temperature adjustment for mobile devices under varying illuminants” on the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging (EI 2014), CA: Burlingame, USA. This study investigated a proper white reproduction on smartphone display when it was viewed under varying illuminants, particularly when the CCT of the…

  • White consistency study by K.Choi

    Kyungah Choi, a Ph.D. candidate of CED Lab made a presentation entitled, “Recalling white point of smartphone under varying illuminants” on the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging (EI 2014), CA: Burlingame, USA. This study investigated any consistent tendency of people recalling white displayed on smartphones. Jiho Jang, a master candidate of CED Lab assisted the empirical study and…

  • Dynamic backlight luminance by N.Na

    Nooree Na, a Ph.D. candidate of CED Lab made a presentation entitled “Dynamics of backlight luminance for using smartphone in dark environment” on the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging (EI 2014) conference in CA: Burlingame, USA. This study proposes a dynamic backlight luminance, which gradually changes as time passes for comfortable use of a smartphone display in a dark…

  • App icon colors by J.Jang

    Jiho Jang, a master candidate of CED lab. has presented his recent study entitled, “Disappearing Icons: Informative Effect Through Changing Color Attributes of App Icons” on the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2014) in Las Vegas. This study investigates the informative effect that color attributes  of smartphone application icons have on users’ perceptions…

  • Optimal display white point by K.Choi

    Kyungah Choi, a master candidate of CED lab. has presented her recent study entitled, “The Optimal Color Temperature of Smartphone Display under Various Illuminant Conditions” on the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2014) in Las Vegas. The purpose of this study is to find the optimal color temperature of the smartphone display, focusing…

  • Luminance contrast study by N.Na

    Nooree Na, a Ph.D. candidate has presented an alorithm that optimizes the luminance contrast of a smart phone display while people read some long texts. The paper is eintitled, “Dynamics of Luminance Contrast for Comfortable Reading on Smartphone Display”, and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2014) in Las Vegas. The key findings were documented…