Design consulting Tool-kit development by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk published an article entitled as “Design Consulting Tool-kit for a Venture Company and an Application Case; Design of Brand & Package for the Functional Cosmetic Company” with Mokryun Baik and Hyunjung Kim in Design Archive(previously, Korean Journal of Design Studies). Mokryun Baik was a master candidate of CED Lab and Hyunjung Kim was…
Affective aroma study by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk published an article entitled “The affective effect of odor products in relaxation and working contexts [휴식 및 집중 환경에서 방향 제품의 감성적 영향]” in the Korean Journal of Science of Emotion and Sensibility. This study investigates compared the effect of odor products on the activity of brain waves, and the electroencephalogram(EEG) was facilitated. The…
Domain Distance Theory by Prof.Suk
Professor co-authored an article entitled “Interactive Product Design based on Domain Distance Theory of Metaphor” published in Design Archive(previously, Korean Journal of Design Studies). The first author of the paper is Young-Wook Jung and this article mainly summarised his master thesis supervised by Professor Myung-suk Kim. Professor Suk contributed to the quantitative analysis of the…
Congrats! Mokryun is a master of science!
Mokryun Baik is now a master of science. Her thesis is entitled “Development of Design Guidelines for Organic Food Labeling of Small Brands” and a part of her thesis has already been published on the International Conference of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2011) held in Delft, in the Netherlands. Also it should be acknowledged…
Congrats! Eunsol is a master of science!
Eunsol Lee is now a master of science with a thesis entitled “The Effect of Hue of Lighting on Affective and Cognitive Response Focused on Relaxation and Attention”. Her thesis was nominated as one of the Best Theses this year. Congratulations!
Color tolerance for recycled paper color by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk co-authored an article entitled as “Color Tolerance Prediction for Recycled Paper Based on Consumers’ Awareness, Color Research and Application” published in Color Research and Application. The study examines whether consumers are more tolerant with chromaticness of white paper when they are aware of using recycled paper, and proves that it is so. It provides evidence…
Lighting color and time perception studied by Prof.Suk
Professor suk published an article entitled, ” The Influence of Chromacity of LED Lighting on Time Perception [조명의 색도가 시간 인지에 미치는 영향]” in the Korean Journal of Emotion and Senbility. This study investigated whether the chromacity of LED lighting influences people’s time perception. It revealed that in cool-color nuanced lighting conditions, the subjects perceived time…
Color as emotion elicitor by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk published an article entitled as “Emotional Response to Color Across Media” in Color Research and Application. The co-author, Professor Dr. Hans Irtel was her supervisor for her doctoral study at the University of Mannheim in Germany. This study comes from her doctoral dissertation and investigated the emotional responses of people to simple color…
Korean consumers’ tolerance for colored paper, investigated by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk published an article entitled “Consumer’s Tolerance of Paper Colors-Focusing on the Influence of Environmental Attitude-[소비자의 종이색 허용범위에 관한 연구-친환경 의식이 종이색 허용범위에 미치는 영향을 중심으로]” in the Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies. The study investigated the consumers’ tolerance of accepting colored paper. From the user survey thresholds were defined depending on…
Dynamic design elements for ambient media by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk co-authored an article entitled as, “Application Methods of Dynamic Design Elements for Ambient Media [앰비언트 미디어를 위한 동적 디자인 요소 적용 방법 -동적 디자인 요소가 앰비언트 미디어 사용자의 주변적 인식에 미치는 영향을 중심으로]”. This study focused the awareness of main media when the ambient media was viewed at the same time. The article…
Aesthetics overrides usability?
Professor Suk co-authored an article entitled as “Influence of an Aesthetically Appealing Product on User’s Interest” in International Journal of Affective Engineering, which was previously called International Journal of Kansei Engineering published by Japanese Society for Kansei Engineering. This study was selected as one of the best papers at the International Symposium on Affective Engineering…
Emotional quality of tactile sensation by Prof.Suk
Professor Suk published an article entitled as “Tactile Sensation as Emotion Elicitor, International Journal of Affective Engineering” in International Journal of Affective Engineering, previously called as International Journal of Kansei Engineering. This study discovered that depending on a manipulation of frequency and amplitude of surface vibration can control quality of emotional experience. Among the co-authors, Dr. Tae-Heun Yang…