• About neutral affective state studied by Prof.Suk

    Professor Suk co-authored a research article entitled, “The Behavioral Patterns of Neutral Affective State for Service Robot Using Video Ethnography” in the Korean Journal of Science of Emotion and Sensibility. The study comes from a team project carried out in a class, “theory of emotional design” lectured by Professor Suk and Professor Sang-Hoon Jeong from Mokwon…

  • The second study on Ring-Back-Tone by Dr.Suk

    Professor Suk co-authored an article entitled, “The Influence of Ring-Back-Tone (RBT) on Evaluation of the Phone-call Receiver’s Personality II- a comparison study between unknown and known people as the receivers-[통화 연결 음악이 통화 상대자의 개성 판단에 끼치는 영향 II  -통화상대자를 알고 있는 경우와 모르는 경우에 대한 비교를 중심으로-]” as a sequential research of her previous…

  • Women love pink, pink, pink. Studied by Dr.Suk

    Dr.Suk co-authored an article entitled, “A Study of the Dynamics of Color Preference with and without Reference Objects with a Focus on Vehicle Products and Color Persistency [색채 적용 대상의 특성에 따른 기호 색채의 변화에 대한 연구: 운송 기기의 사례와 색채편식 현상을 중심으로]” in the Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies. The study comes from…

  • Aesthetics overrides usability? Studied by Dr.Suk

    Dr.Suk co-authored an article entitled, “The Influence of an Aesthetically Appealing Product on the Using Time, Flow, and Recall Memory [제품의 심미성이 제품의 사용시간, 몰입도, 정보 기억도에 미치는 영향]” in the Korean Journal of the Science of Emotion & Sensibility. The first author, Jae-Hwa Lee wrote up this article based on his term project of Dr.Suk’s…

  • Emotion to simple color by Dr.Suk

    Dr. Suk published an article entitled as “Emotional Response to Simple Color Stimulus” in International Journal of Affective Engineering, previously called International Journal of Kansei Engineering. This study investigates the emotioanl response to color stimuli when color stimuli were presented as solid surface. Then the effect was compared when the colors were viewed in a sequence of…

  • Three girls won the best presentation award

    Dr.Suk was awarded with the Best Paper Presentation entitled “The Influence of Ring-Back-Tone (RBT) Music on Evaluation of the Phone-call Receiver’s Personality” presented on the KEER 2007 conference in Tokyo, Japan. Congratulations! [In the photo: from left- Moon-Young Kwon, Hyeon-Jeong Suk, and Bomin Kim]

  • Ring-Back-Tone study by Dr.Suk

    Dr. Suk made a presentation at the KEER 2007 conference, International Conference of Kansei Engineering hosted by Japanese Society of Kansei Engineering in Tokyo, Japan. The study was about the effect of the Ring-Back-Tone(RBT) on caller’s judgment of receiver’s personality and it  revealed that caller’s can easily have a prejudice based on the quality of the RBT…

  • The influence of Ring-Back-Tone on caller’s judgment of receiver’s personality, investigated by Dr.Suk

    Dr. Suk published an article, entitled “The Influence of Ring-Back-Tone (RBT) on Evaluation of the Phone-call Receiver’s Personality [통화 연결 음악이 통화 상대자의 개성 판단에 끼치는 영향]” in the Korean Journal of Science of Emotion and Sensibility. The study investigates the influence of Ring-Back-Tone (RBT) music on the evaluation of the phone-call receiver’s personality in dimensions…