Color lab at IASDR2019, Manchester
An IASDR, the largest biannual international conference of design was hosted by Manchester University of Arts this year. Color lab presented three original research articles, organized a design workshop, and chaired one session.
The affective effect of nuanced white lighting on fabric types by Juhee
During the IASDR2019 living session, Juhee Kim, a master student of Color lab presented her recent study on the effect of nuanced white lighting on the affective judgment of fabric styles. In her study, six types of fabric were observed under eight types of nuanced white lighting. After her succinct presentation, valuable comments were given by the…
How to design a more eco-friendly take-out coffee cup
Yuchun and Prof. Suk published an article entitled as “Design Attributes for a More Eco-friendly Takeout Cup Using Conjoint Analysis” published in Archvies of Design Research 32(2). The study empirically examined the impact of eco-friendly impression while altering the combinations of design attributes of take-out coffee cups. The result shows that the lid is essential especially…
User’s Preference on the Color of Cavity and Lighting of an Oven by Dr. Jungmin Han
Dr. Jungmin Han published an article entitled “Exploring User’s Preference on the Color of Cavity and Lighting of an Oven Product” in Archives of Design Research(AoDR), and also took part in the AoDR’s 130th journal cover design. The study investigated user’s preference on the interplay of lighting and oven interior color. Through a series of…
A card toolkit for smart lighting by Taesu Kim & Dr. Kyungah Choi
Dr. Kyungah Choi presented a work entitled, “A Design Toolkit for Human-Centric Smart Lightings [인간 중심의 스마트조명 디자인 툴킷 개발]” at the 2019 KSCS Spring Conference. This study proposed a card-based design tool, which aims to support smart lighting idea generation by making the growing knowledge on how lighting affects users readily accessible to designers.…
Transportation lighting by Jinyoung at HCI Korea, Jeju
Jinyoung Jeong, an undergraduate intern of Color lab, made an oral presentation at the HCI Korea 2019 held in Jeju, Korea. Entitled as “Exploring the Light Distribution Based on Personal Posture [자세 기반 개인화 감성 조명 탐색: 우등 버스를 중심으로]”, she proposed optimal strategy for advanced interior design through emotional lighting in public transport in response to passengers’…
Interdisciplinary collaboration with natural sciences
Dr. Kyungah Choi published an article entitled “Awakening effects of blue-enriched morning light exposure on university students’ physiological and subjective responses” in the journal Scientific Reports, a multidisciplinary journal from the publishers of Nature. This study was conducted in collaboration with the research team of Prof. Hyun Jung Chung from the Graduate School of Nanoscience…
A comparison of OLED and LCD in mobile HMDs by Dr. Han
Dr. Jungmin Han published an article entitled as, “Do users perceive the same image differently? Comparison of OLED and LCD in mobile HMDs and smartphones” in the Journal of Information Display. The study examined which panel the consumers prefer in the smartphone and HMD context by investigating the characteristics of panels as perceived by the…
Jinyoung & Taesu won the best paper award from the Ergonomics Society of Korea
Jinyoung and Taesu received an best paper award in the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea held in Gyeongju, Korea. Jinyoung is an undergraduate intern of Color Lab and presented about her undergraduate research program(URP) entitled, “Passengers’ Activity Patterns and the Sitting Postures in Express Bus [고속 버스 탑승객의 행동 유형과 착석 자세…
Yuchun and Juhyun’s presentations at a Color Conference
Yuchun and Juhyun Lee(COSMAX BTI Researcher) made an oral presentation about “skin color” at 2018 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Color Studies in KAIST. Yuchun presented an article entitled as “Affective Effect of Target Skin Color,” the part of her master thesis. In this research, how people perceive the same portraits concerning different target…
Exploring undefined emotional quality to define the design goals by Kyeong Ah
Kyeong Ah Jeong published an article entitled as, “Exploring Users’ Desired Emotion in Product Light Focusing on the Refrigerator[제품 조명에 기대하는 소구 감성 탐색: 냉장고 사례를 중심으로]” in the Korean Journal of Society for Emotion and Sensibility[감성과학]. The study investigated the type of desired emotion on refrigerator lighting by applying mixed method and thereby suggesting…
Article about viewing the true white on TV display on IEEE TCE
Collaborating with Samsung Electronics, Color lab has investigated the optimal white observers consider as the true white when viewing TV displays. The research question was raised in the Master dissertation of Dr.Kyungah Choi(supervisor: Prof.Suk), and Dr.Choi began with smartphones and tablet PCs. Expanding the research scope, Dr.Choi has led the empirical study to confirm whether the previous…