• Minsun is a Master of Science!

    Minsun Hong received a master of science with a thesis entitled, “Affective Image Quality for Sports Content”. Some practical insights regarding image quality on displays have led to this academic research begun. First, sports content is on live-broadcasting and there is a tendency to skip a detailed color correction process, even though the shooting is…

  • Yuchun, a Master of Science!

    Yuchun Yan is now a master of science! She submitted the thesis, entitled “Skin Balancing: Chromatic Adjustment of Multi-illuminant Portraits on One Scene using Facial Color to Reproduce Standard Image Quality”. She investigated the special situation when multiple portraits undue different scene illuminants gathered together and how people perceive the color difference in terms of…

  • Yuchun won the best paper award!

    Yuchun Yan, a master student of Color lab won the best presentation award with an article entitled as “Color Mosaic: color sampling with automatic pixelation versus subjective selection.” Congratulations!

  • Yuchun’s presentation at Korean color conference

    Yuchun Yan, a master student of Color lab made an oral presentation about “Color Mosaic” at 2018 Spring Conference of Korean Society of Color Studies in Seoul. The Color Mosaic is a short term based education contents in that students can compare the difference between automated pixelation and subjective color extration. The contents are particularly suitable…

  • A patent for the invention on image color correction using human sclera and pupil

    A patent for the invention with Estee Lauder Corporation has been registered at the Korean Intellectual Property Office. The patent is titled “System and method for correcting color of digital image based on the human sclera and pupil,” and is invented by Hayan Choi, Kyungah Choi, Hyeon-Jeong Suk, and Songyup Kim(Estee Lauder Corporation, New York). The…

  • Color and success, Prof.Suk’s invited talk at MDC2018

    Invited by the MDC2018, 30th Mint Directors Conference, Prof.Suk gave a talk entitled as “Color and success”. Differently from her previous talks about color perception and visual ergonomics, she introduced some historic background about precious colors. For example, the pink versus blue dichotomy these days is strongly influenced by the commercial items such as Barbie dolls. In the…

  • Kyeong Ah’s “c.light” at CHI’ 18

    Kyeong Ah Jeong, a Ph.D. student of color lab presented her work at the ACM CHI’ 18, and the full paper is published in the proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. In the paper, the findings and qualitative analyses are provided based on the workshop with designers exploring automobile…

  • An article about the AI speakers that apologize

    Prof.Suk published an article entitled as. “Applying Social Strategies for Breakdown Situations of Conversational Agents: A Case Study Using Forewarning and Apology [대화형 에이전트의 오류 상황에서 사회적 전략 적용: 사전 양해와 사과를 이용한 사례 연구]” in the Korean Journal for Science of Emotion and Sensibility. The study documents Prof. Yoomi Lee and Miss Sunjeong Park’s term…

  • A collaborative study on finding the healthier smartphone use at night

    Dr.Na, a graduate of Color Lab. has published an article entitled as, “Smartphone use at night affects melatonin secretion, body temperature, and heart rate” in the Korean Journal of Society for Emotion and Sensibility[감성과학]. In the article, a change of display quality of a smartphone, such as a decrease of both luminance and blue ratio…

  • Impact of light on melatonin secretion by Dr. Choi

    Dr. Kyungah Choi presented a work entitled, “Lighting design considerations: The impact of light on melatonin secretion” at the Asia-Design Engineering Workshop (ADEWS 2017). This study aims to investigate the impact of indoor lighting conditions on physiological and self-reported responses and determine whether these effects depend on the time of day. The study is expected…

  • True white for televisions by Dr. Choi

    Dr. Kyungah Choi presented a work entitled, “White perception of display devices in dark and lit environments” at the Asia-Design Engineering Workshop (ADEWS 2017). This study aims to investigate the white perception of display devices presented in a real rather than a simulated environment, lit by illuminants with various chromaticities. The results of this study…

  • Kyeong Ah’s master thesis won the best paper award

    Kyeong Ah Jeong’s journal article is awarded the 2017 Best Paper Award from the Journal of Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility [감성과학]. The award-winning paper is entitled, “Affective Effect of Video Playback Style and its Assessment Tool Development [영상의 재생 스타일에 따른 감성적 효과와 감성 평가 도구의 개발]” and was published in 2016. The…